Art direction for a classical music festival
Cummins Inc.
August, 2018
With more than 9,000 locations around the world, Cummins is a power house when it comes to engine manufacturing and here is how it looks when they sponsor a classical music festival.

Print, OOH, tube billboard, London

Print, on-site event banners.

Print, on-site wall posters.

Print, festival program and on-site flag applications
The grand celebrations held as part of the 100th anniversary were planned to take place in 6 different countries. To promote the event, both print and digital media channels were used in addition to on-site activities.

Print, on-site window vinyls, signage and displays

Digital, photo composition for social media channels.

Digital, various social media posts.

Digital, mailing invitation

Print, giveaway calendar pages featuring all the parts.
The calendar visuals that combined a total of 24 different instruments with Cummins engine parts were shared with participants through both mailing channels and giveaway desktop calendars.
Print, various desktop calendar cover pages.
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